Careers In The MICE Industry In Africa

Careers In The MICE Industry In Africa
December 14, 2021

Starting a career in the MICE field in Africa 

According to the previous MICE articles, the MICE industry comprises a wide range of occupations, as you can see. In general, they all require a great degree of flexibility, ingenuity and communication skills as well as a high level of resilience. Long hours and shifts on weekends and holidays are common in many cases.

MICE Careers At Hotel Level

A lot of the MICE-related organizational responsibilities are handled by the hotel’s sales and marketing teams. They respond to incoming inquiries, generate offers, and coordinate with other departments to bring the client’s vision for their event to life.

Banquet managers are in charge of the day-to-day operations. They organize set-up and tear-down, staffing, and working with vendors to make sure everything goes properly on the big day.

Careers in MICE at an event level

Account and event managers at a concert hall or a convention center look after a set of clients to support them in planning their events. They call in suppliers, get quotations, and participate in planning every detail. Depending on the event, they may attend to make sure everything runs smoothly.  

MICE jobs with large companies

Large companies that regularly host events often have an in-house events team. They take care of all the organizational tasks like outlining and planning events and communicating with the venues.

Inviting guests and planning entertainment is also their job, but they may call in an external planner to help with the latter. And of course, they’ll be on-site during the event to oversee the overall operation.  

How to find jobs in the MICE industry 

Staff are always in high demand in the MICE industry. It’s just a matter of where you look. If you have an ideal company you’d like to work for, check their job board. If you’re looking for a specific position, look at industry job portals like Plato Recruit

Alternatively, there are many industry-specific groups on Facebook or LinkedIn where recruiters often share open positions. You can even reach out to recruiters directly, submit your CV, and ask if they have listings matching your profile. 

List of MICE and Other Event Planning Job Titles

Corporate Titles Related to Event Planning

Large corporations often have roles related to product launches, employee training, conventions, trade shows and marketing events, such as:

  • Meeting Planner
  • Activities and Events Planner
  • Meeting and Event Planner
  • Event Operations Manager
  • Conference Planner
  • Association Event Planner
  • Event Planner or Event Analyst
  • Exhibition Coordinator
  • Special Events Planner
  • Convention Planner
  • Legal Marketing and Events Planner
  • Senior Event Planner
  • Field Events Manager
  • Event Coordinator
  • Retail Events Representative
  • Marketing Coordinator
  • Student Event Planner for Trade Show Promotions

Nonprofit Positions

Nonprofits need professionals to help with fundraising activities, sponsorship recruitment, volunteer coordination, and general event management. Event-related job titles in nonprofits include:

  • Program Manager
  • Program Supervisor
  • Program Coordinator
  • Executive Assistant
  • Community Relations Manager
  • Development Director
  • Sponsorship Coordinator
  • Communications Assistant
  • Development Specialist
  • Community Market Manager
  • Fund Development Coordinator
  • Donor Relations
  • Volunteer Coordinator
  • Volunteer Services Specialist
  • Event Coordinator
  • Campaign and Event Coordinator

Hotel and Restaurant Titles Related to Event Planning

Hotels host many events and need staff to coordinate them. Event planning roles include:

  • Catering Sales Manager
  • Hotel Catering Sales Manager
  • Cleaning Crew
  • Host
  • Convention and Catering Operations Manager
  • Catering Services Manager
  • Bartender
  • Banquet Servers
  • Catering Manager
  • Restaurant and Catering Operations Manager
  • Catering and Convention Services Manager
  • Social Catering Manager
  • Assistant Catering Director
  • Director of Special Events
  • Catering and Specials Events Manager

Tourism and Resort Event Positions

Tourist event planners work for vacation resorts, cruise ships, and exotic tours. Job titles include:

  • International Tourism Sales Manager
  • Tourism Promotion Manager
  • Project Coordinator, Chamber of Commerce
  • Communications Specialist, Chamber of Commerce
  • Public Relations Specialist, Chamber of Commerce
  • Parks Volunteer Coordinator
  • Amusement Park Marketing Coordinator
  • Assistant Resort Manager
  • Resorts Operations Manager
  • Resort Promotions and Marketing
  • Resort Marketing Coordinator
  • Tour Receptionist
  • Concierge
  • Resort Recreations Manager
  • Resort Activities Director
  • Festival Coordinator

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