RegenLife offers an array of tools to assess, support, and certify the sustainability practices of tourism businesses.

Regen Life

RegenLife Travel Program For Businesses

The report, “A World in Motion: shifting consumer travel trends in 2022 and beyond,” found that nearly 60 percent of travelers have chosen sustainable options within the past few years, and that number will likely rise in 2023. The number grows among high-end or luxury travelers (75 percent) this year

62% of the modern workforce wants to work for businesses that have made doing good to people and the planet part of their mission. 

The Good Travel Program supports any kind of business in taking the next step towards sustainable and regenerative development. You can adopt our tools in any sequence, enabling you to get training, support, certification and promotion, whenever you need it.

Programs By

Regenerative tourism company in Ghana
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Good Travel Scan

The Good Travel Scan encourages medium and small family-run enterprises (SMEs) that have no previous knowledge or experience in sustainability management to take a first step in the right direction.

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Good Travel Seal

The Good Travel Seal offers two certification programs according to the stage of sustainability a company is at, Good Travel Seal and Good Travel Seal +, both assessed with 12 themes in the areas of environmental management, social responsibility and health and safety, as well as a variety of additional industry-specific criteria.

Outcomes of the Glasgow Climate Change Conference

At the United Nations climate change conference in Paris, COP 21, governments agreed that mobilizing stronger and more ambitious climate action is urgently required to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement. Action must come from governments, cities, regions, businesses and investors. Everyone has a role to play in effectively implementing the Paris Agreement.

The Paris Agreement formally acknowledges the urgent need to scale up our global response to climate change, which supports even greater ambition from governments. The commitments from all actors are recognized in the decision text of the Paris Agreement, including those launched through the Lima–Paris Action Agenda.


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Underwater Tourism

Underwater Tourism

Underwater Tourism appeals to almost everyone’s interests and personal inclinations! First, there...